It was a great honour for me to judge this prestigious show and I want to say a huge thank you to all the exhibitors who so kindly brought such lovely quality hounds under me and made my day so enjoyable. Since I last judged the Breed, I was very pleased to find that hind movement and soundness has generally improved and I was encouraged to see some very promising youngsters coming on. However, I also found a number of hounds with poor construction of the forehand limiting reach in front and rather flat feet, which is disappointing. This continues to be one of the main challenges for us all and I hope breeders are focusing on these points. I must apologise to exhibitors that I was only able to critique the first two in each class due to tight time constraints.
Vet D (1) 1) Baumann's Ch Regalflight Tarloch: Mature masculine well built hound with plenty of substance, handsome head with typical expression and well held ears, good strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, deep brisket and adequate length of body, pleasing top-line with well arched loin, good broad hindquarters and neat feet. Very well presented but not moving so well today.
PD (1) 1 Janson's Nixophel Carnelian Red: 11 month old male with very attractive dark brindle crisp harsh coat, pleasing head and typical expression with lovely dark eye and neat well held ears, adequate bone. Neck, chest and body need time to develop, pleasing top line flowing into hindquarters with adequate bend of stifle. He needs to settle on the move, pasterns rather lose but he has plenty of time for improvement.
JD (4,1) 1 Peach's Kilbourne Shrike: Handsome young quality male with plenty of substance, dark crisp coat and pleasing outline, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, deep brisket and good length of body flowing over arched loin and croup, strong broad and well angulated hindquarters. He moved well holding his top-line, sound coming and going and very well presented. One to watch for the future. 2 Antunes' Antonius Vertragus Nemrod: Another handsome young male with typical head and expression and lovely dark eye, plenty of substance throughout, strong neck, long body flowing into strong well muscled hindquarters. I preferred shoulder construction and depth of brisket of (1). Moved well particularly in profile but needs to settle better. 3 Cummings' Killoeter Tam Dubh.
PGD (12,2) 1 Peach's Kilbourne Lloyd: Quality well built hound with good substance throughout and lovely harsh coat, handsome head with well set neat ears, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good breadth of chest, adequate depth of brisket and length of body, well knuckled feet, strong broad well angulated hindquarters. He moved soundly and well and held his top-line well. 2 Stuart & Holt's Ollandsheart Abraham: Another quality hound with attractive crisp grey brindle coat, masculine head with dark eye and well set ears, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good chest and depth of brisket, adequate length of body flowing into strong broad well angulated hindquarters. He moved well and soundly and held his top-line. Close decision but not quite the presence of (1). 3 Adams' Ardneish Pinochio:
LD (10,2) 1 Baumann's Packway Loxley Norton: Eye catching quality male with great presence, tall and well balanced, crisp brindle coat, powerful with plenty of substance throughout, masculine head with typical expression and well set ears, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, tight knuckled feet, good girth of chest with depth, good length of body with well arched loin flowing over the croup, strong broad well muscled hindquarters with good length from hip to hock. He moved soundly with drive holding his top-line and gave the impression that he could definitely do his job on the moors. DCC. 2 Phillips' Hyndsight To The Limit To Ladygrove: Attractive quality male, crisp mid grey coat, smaller stature than (1), pleasing head with typical expression and well set ears, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good chest and depth of brisket, adequate length of body flowing into strong broad well angulated hindquarters. Well balanced and moving soundly with drive holding good top-line. Close decision RDCC. 3 Girling's Pyefleet Timothy:
OD (7,1) 1 Peach's Ch Rubeus Hagrid To Kilbourne: Attractive quality male with close lying dark brindle coat of harsh texture, masculine head with typical expression, strong neck and well constructed front, deep brisket and good length of body, strong broad quarters, feet could be neater, broad strong hindquarters. Moved well and sound coming and going. 2 Constantine's Kaleginy The Forester Sh CM: Quality male of heavier build and more substance than (1), harsh mid grey coat, masculine head with pleasing expression, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good girth of chest, shorter coupled than (1), strong broad hindquarters and well knuckled feet. Moved well and sound coming and going. 3 Wueger's Int/Aus/Ger Vdh/Lux Ch Fortheringhay's Fairwald Fable:
Vet B (3,1) 1 Williams' Kilbourne Wendela: Attractive mature 7 year old bitch with feminine head and lovely typical expression, good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good depth of chest and length of body, good broad well angulated hindquarters and neat compact feet. Moved well but tending to drop her top-line. 2 Samways' Cassacre Aelgyth: Another attractive bitch aged 8 years, shorter stature and than (1), feminine head with sweet expression and lovely dark eye, harsh dark coat, good length of body flowing into well angulated hindquarters with low hocks, feet could be neater. Movement difficult to access as tending to pace on the move.
PB (5) 1 Hawkins' Kaleginy Thistle At Kwaricott: Attractive well grown 11 month old grey-brindle youngster with plenty of substance throughout, typical head and expression but would prefer darker pigmentation, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulder, good girth of chest and length of body, strong loin and broad hindquarters with well bent stifles and low hock. Moved well sound coming and going. BP. 2 Abbott & Constantine's Kaleginy Magnolia Steel: Another attractive 11 month old puppy, darker coat than her litter sister (1), feminine head with typical expression, good neck flowing into well laid shoulders, brisket needs drop a little but she has plenty of time, adequate length of body and well arched loin, good broad hind-quarters. Moved well. Close decision but preferred the lower hocks of (1). 3 Peach's Ormanstar Queen Of Hearts At Kilbourne:
JB (4,2) 1 Antunes' Merope To Antonius Vertragus Of Muma: Very attractive well grown youngster with striking dark harsh coat and plenty of substance, feminine head with neat well held ears and typical expression, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good chest and deep brisket, good length of body with strong loin flowing into well muscled broad hindquarters, compact feet. Moved well, sound coming and going. 2 Akehurst's Tiobraid One In A Miliion: Attractive shapely youngster with harsh grey brindle coat, lighter build than (1), feminine head with well set ears and typical expression, good neck, front construction not as good as (1), shorter coupled than (1), rather short ribbing giving a sharp cut-away to the underline, good broad hindquarters, and well arched loin, well knuckled feet. Moved well, sound coming and going.
PGB (14,2) 1 Grimshaw's Hyndsight Long Cool Woman To Jamalson: Feminine bitch with dark harsh coat, well balanced with adequate substance, pleasing head with well set ears and typical expression, good neck flowing into well laid shoulders, deep brisket with adequate length of body and well arched loin, broad quarters with well angulated hindquarters, neat feet. Moved well holding her top-line, sound coming and going. 2 Lucas & Dargonne's Packway Little Loxley: Another attractive bitch with harsh crisp coat, feminine head with well held ears and typical expression, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, deep brisket and good body flowing into broad well muscled hindquarters, feet could be neater. Moved well with drive, sound coming and going. 3 Davis' Marivon Florence:
LB (9,3) 1 Schuder's Fortheringhay's Gaelic History: Eye catching elegant dark brindle bitch, very shapely and well balanced, pretty head with neat well set ears and typical expression, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good chest and length of body, pleasing top-line with well arched loin flowing into strong hindquarters with well bent stifles. Moved very well indeed with easy long strides holding her top-line. 2 Lucas & Dargonne's Hyndsight Reason To Believe: Another attractive bitch with harsh grey coat, well balanced, pretty head with well set ears and typical expression, good neck flowing into well set shoulders, good depth of chest and adequate length of body, strong broad loin and hind quarters, neat feet. Moved well and soundly but lacked the drive of (1) and tended to drop her top-line. 3 Morgan & Morgan's Chuilinn Ballad:
OB (7, 1) 1 Phillips' Ch Charbonnel Gobi To Ladygrove: Very pretty mature bitch of excellent type and quality with beautiful flowing lines and so well balanced, crisp grey coat, feminine head with well set neat ears and lovely expression, good neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good chest and depth of brisket, body with arch over loin flowing over the croup, broad strong hindquarters and neat compact feet. She has such great presence and excelled on the move striding out with easy long fluent strides and great drive. Very well presented, beautiful to see her at one with her handler. BCC and BOB. 2 Peach's Ch Blixten Star To Kilbourne (Imp Fin): Another quality bitch with nice harsh grey coat, built on longer lines than (1), well balanced, pleasing feminine head and typical expression, good neck flowing into well laid shoulders, adequate depth of brisket and good length of body, broad strong well angulated hindquarters with good length from hip to hocks. Moved very well with easy long strides but tending to drop her top line on the move. Very well presented. RBCC. 3 Guettig's Lux Ch Barnesmore Envogue Multijch BW:
Dr Sarah Helps